Friday, June 22, 2012

spca trip

good afternoon to my fellow friends~

well, if you had added me in facebook
you should had known that my trip to spca was in such crazy photoshooting mode

i should have known that my image are gone! no...i should say 'were gone!'

first step is to the spca centre located at...i forgot the place...whatever
many cats and dogs of course
a little bit smelly
but they are all cute and beautiful animals
what a waste that people abandoned them and just left it like that
some of them already aging and cant move much
laying at there lazily and enjoying their time

proud to know that st john had donate some money to them
a little help
a little care
better than none

2nd step is to midvalley pet world event
packed like sardines
cant get through my way
the pets for sale
the pets were performing
people bringing their pets to visit the event

3rd step pavillion shopping trip
im happy to be the photographer for all of the girls

thanu the camera-detecting girl...she is so sentsitive to my camera and always be ready for photoshoot~ish!thats why i cant get her photo in natural state!

erica the boss that always hide from me like im the fact, i am!haha..*troll face*
you cant get away from me, erica!

chu ting the girl that i take photos with her the most within this trip
viewing her photos taken in spca is really awesome!

jessy shopaholic that wanted to shop for every single moment..she did had enough stuff in her hands before she gets home

huiyi haha!i snap her photo when she just awake!believe me, that is the most nature state photo that i have take!

me, playing hard during the trip! adidas shirt for dad, mask for suteng and a shirt for myself.
im a good girl.

another trip to kl?to be continued...

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