Sunday, June 10, 2012

holiday ends

what a sad 2 weeks holiday just end in such a way!

well...i did wasted the time and enjoying the time in front of my lappie and now i ahve to pay for the homework debt~~~

by the way, i'm still hanging around facebook and even blog at this very moment.

i'm a lazy chicken who always do her things at the eleventh minute! lalalala~

hmmm..i guess i have to continue with my work or else i wont get to sleep on time!
then i cant wake up on the morning!
then i'll be late to school!
then i wont be able to clean the classroom!
then i'll be listed as late by the terrible teacher!
then i'll feel pekcek for the whole day!
then my day will be ruined.

that is the so-calles chain reaction.

conclusion: elaine ying, back to your work now.^^

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