Wednesday, October 16, 2013

new hair cut

recently i just had a hair cut and recolour my hair with medium brown.

length of my hair also become more short compared to before as the weather at penang is really hot til beh tahan.
initially was planning to have a boycut but still not enough courageous though.
anyway, i might try it next time if i really ki siao. LOL.

tomorrow will be going back to REALITY again and will be having a test for bm on 8am and also jp spelling test on 11am by Friday.
well, i knew that i am not well prepared yet. so, wish me luck!

and i realized this long-time-abandoned-blog is actually still viewed by precious miss i think i'll still get to update it from time to time according to my mood..haha

again the most lame ending
to be continued...

1 comment:

〖wEi xiN】 said...

When I view your blog?? Lai luannnnnn~ =P