Friday, May 6, 2011


when i wake up, the first feeling that i felt is>>>>>TIRED~~~=='''

i had a looooooong dream when i was sleeping....oh gosh...i feel like i'm just had slept for 9 mins rather than 9 hours~anyway, im outing for yamcha mind is still blur blur....ok..tats all~c u all tonight ya, dear~^^

*happy that miss ting ting and miss xin FINALLY renew their blog dy~oops...later they will scold me as me also do the same before~=='''


〖wEi xiN】 said...

just write as many as you all can before you all start the BUSY form six life!! ;p

yEn said...

:D yaya... i follow u two de blog too... :)

Judith said...

hey!!! we gt update de nehhh~~~~ hahahaha..... I will update more geh since I stopped working^^