Wednesday, April 20, 2011

latest update~

ok!since all my jimui are desperately wan me to'll do it..
but juz...reali ntg to say oso...
erm...mayb i should say sumding about the swimming??...oh yeah!!finally i know how to swim~i'm so excited~!!haha...i love swimming muchie now~!although my skin~oh gosh~is become darker and darker...but still~i love swimming~^O^
n..tis sat is going to sueky's bdae+ farewell party~!hahax...we're gonna crazy on tat note..or mayb day b4 tat nite~hahax..XD

all jimui are going to separate soon...UCSI..TARC..MMU...F6...
whatever la!who cares?as long as we are best jimui forever~^O^!!
love u all muchie~~!!

1 comment:

boonho_93 said...

i have strong feel that we can meet together soon! as we are best friend + jimui!!! GAMBATEH FOR OUR FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!