Saturday, March 28, 2009

i'm de brave coward !!!! yo! watsup!

exam wanna reach dy la! of coz i haven read la!(but stiil blogging at here) bm? bi? bc? wer is my book dy a? dunno leh.. mayb lost already...haha... addmath? modern math? juz now got do a bit addmath, but i think i will b brainless when exam n bcum faceless when de result is given....>o< sj? moral?slow slow wait n den de moral teacher will ask me to run 20 round at the field....den?correction 100 man! haven read den how? straight away go exam la!tis show that me is very brave gal.....but when de result is given back n my mom has seen de result...den i will b a coward n hide in my room to avoid de nag from my mom, or even worse is beating! so brave x coward = brave coward! haha...yaya...i'm de gamini gal n oways hav 2 side, conclusion is....i'm de brave coward!yo! watsup!Xp

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